The Institute of Global Prosperity
is, in my estimation, an incredible example of the degree
to which reasonable, rational, intelligent people can be beguiled
into believing unreasonable, irrational, ridiculous hogwash.
This organization, which has been known by several names,
charges the unenlightened exorbitant fees to attend international
seminars where they learn all the IRS's "dirty little
secrets," the ugly truths behind the governmental conspiracy
to intimidate citizens into paying money they do not rightfully
owe, which the government knows it cannot lawfully collect.
In these seminars, Global's "experts"
in "Common Law" explain why the rich stay rich,
and the common man is the victim of the "system."
After paying tens of thousands of dollars, graduates of these
seminars refuse to pay income tax which they have been "taught"
that they can legally decline to pay by people like William
J. Benson.
Bill Benson, one of America's best known
tax protesters, boldly proclaims that he has not filed a 1040
in years. He assures everyone who will listen that the government
is afraid to address his "research" in open Court,
promising them that they can follow his advice with impunity.
Most people don't have the benefit of Lexis research - if
they did, they would know that Benson has had his "day
in Court" and lost miserably. His efforts to testify
as an "expert" have been met with scorn and derision;
his learned research has been evaluated and dismissed as frivolous.
At this point, I have had several cases involving
Global; it is my belief that David Struckman, Lorenzo "Zo"
LaMantia, Daniel P. Andersen, and those who have become involved
with this ongoing criminal enterprise are operating on borrowed
time. If their time has finally come, it is ridiculously long
past due.
With the concurrence of my Client, I have
appended a recent report for your review. Since the report
is in PDF format, the Exhibit hyperlinks will not work but
they are all accessible via the Exhibits page below.
I welcome
your comments,
questions and suggestions.