US Marine Corps Urgent Needs Issue
"A less than dazzling procurement process"
By: Bill E. Branscum
Copyright 2008

In August 2007, I was contacted by Titus "Ti" Casazza, the founder and President of LE Systems, Inc., and LE Technologies, LLC, 79 George Street, East Hartford, CT, 06108; Phone (860) 291-9630, Fax: (860) 291-9475. LE Systsems is the manufacturer of the Compact High Power Laser Dazzler [CHPLD], a non-lethal weapon manufactured for law enforcement and military applications. Ti Casazza reported that a competitor’s product had been selected for employment by the USMC under circumstances that have been widely decried as highly questionable, and he provided considerable documentation in support thereof, including materials authored by Major Franz Gayl, USMC Retired.

Ti Casazza contacted me at the recommendation of Private Investigator Bernie Soldate due to the enormous amount of material involved in this case. Investigator Soldate was familiar with various articles I have written related to complex data management and CaseMap, the program we use to manage voluminous material. After Investigator Soldate assisted Ti Casazza in developing the information, they contacted me seeking a third-party analysis of the voluminous documents that they had obtained.

The work-product that they had developed was, in fact, voluminous - and as interesting as it was disturbing.

Some of you, and perhaps most of you, have had cases where you had a personal, or emotional interest; I think many of us are passionate about our work. In this case, I felt personally conflicted, and I felt obliged to disclose those potential personal conflicts to Investigator Soldate, and Ti Casazza, prior to accepting the assignment. Specifically, I was the “military brat” of a career Naval MSC (Medical Service Corps) officer assigned to the US Navy/Marine Corps base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. I grew up there, and graduated from high school there. As a teenager, many of my friends were from 2/8 Marines (2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment) and I knew several Marine Corps officers pretty well.

My father retired as a Medical Service Corps officer, I was a "Vietnam Era" medic and my eldest son is a US Navy corpsman who requested his current assignment to the United States Marine Corps. The way the US Marine Corps treats their Navy Corpsmen is legendary; I am duly proud of him and, inevitable parental concerns aside, I am comfortable that he is there. In other words, it would be a fair statement to say that I approached the matter heavily biased - I simply was not prepared to believe that the US Marine Corps was corrupt, incompetent, or so indifferent to the welfare of the troops that they would allow them to be denied the best resources available.

As further explicated in my Report of Investigation, as supported by the Referenced Exhibits, there is probable cause to believe, and I do believe that, whether through corrupt machinations or otherwise, the USMC materiels selection and procurement process completely ignored the demands of the USMC General Officers responsible for fighting in the field, and failed to provide the best available non-lethal alternative, thereby endangering our troops, and leading to unnecessary escalation of force fatalities that were both foreseeable, and avoidable.

In preparing my report, I deliberately avoided a discussion of technical issues for two reasons. First, I do not have the technical background to support and defend any conclusion that I might offer and, second, these technical issues were thoroughly addressed in a Case Study prepared by Major Franz Gayl, USMC Retired, who was employed in a civilian capacity as the I MEF FWD Science Advisor during most of the relevant time period. Major Gayl's efforts to see this exposed have been at great personal sacrifice; I hope that the concept of "whistleblower protection" turns out to be more than mere word play in this case.

Although investigation revealed that the civilians involved in the materiels procurement process failed to respond to the needs of the Corps, and the fact that I believe that this situation warrants criminal investigation notwithstanding, I was gratified to see that the United States Marine Corps officers involved in this matter were everything that I have always perceived them to be.

Report of Investigation, by Bill E. Branscum

Report of Investigation Exhibits

Case Study, by Major Franz Gayl, USMC Retired

Oracle International
Bill E. Branscum, Investigator
(239) 304-1639


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